
Swag, typography
In 2020 Stereotactic video production company turned 10 years. But the company was unable to celebrate its anniversary due to covid restrictions and a dangerous economic situation. So the company decided to move the celebration to the next year. I was invited to create a set of swag designs to reflect this unusual situation and to present as anniversary community gifts.
My idea was to create a set of two black and white designs, reflecting the emptiness and the seal of 2020, and the hope and dream of 2021.
The idea arose from the corporate black and white color, at the junction of the severe plague of the outgoing year and the future anniversary year of the first manned flight into space.

Implemented as typography compositions: in the dark corner of the ring, gothic and heavy metal, in the bright corner — love and space.
Dark Side
Dark merch for tough guys. Gothic typography and handwritten lettering (as on school desks).
From 2020 with hate & destruction!
Bright Side
Bright merch for dreamers and romantics. Neo-Antiqua, hippie typography, and orbital mono font (everything is like in space).
To 2021 with love & respect!
Learning and Findings
Cool client, cool idea, cool design, but unfortunately was not implemented. Stereotactic decided to go with a safe option, designed by me as well.