NFT collection
There's no better way to understand one technology than by trying it out. My interest in the NFT market made me create and launch my own NFT collections of 5711 images, avatars of nice funky creatures RGBillennials using the Polygon network.

In the far, far space three primordial essences have gathered: precipitous and active Red, enshrouded and bright Green, calm and ubiquarian Blue. They decided that they would create a unity of mascots — like themselves to protect beauty and harmony all over the world. The bright spatiotemporal outbreak gave birth to 5711 creatures. This is how the RGBillennials were born.
The generative NFT collection comes with nine different trials formed by 119 attributes, like the shape of heads, a form of eyes, glow of halos, orbital object, background color, or shine of the surrounding stars. This helps to create each picture with a unique look. Some properties are rarer than others, so some of the RGBillennials have a higher value.
Adjusting ready-to-use solution I was able to create a JS engine to generate the entire collection with different rarities of attributes and metadata for properties description.
The next step was uploading the collection and creating Polygon unique contract. In order to do that I was able to adjust another JS script and use Pinyata cloud file storage and Remix IDE to manage the contract. NFTcollection has its unique contract number and can be found live on Polygonscan.
Minting Dapp
Simple minting dApp was developed to provide low-cost minting. It has a simple one-button design based on the dApp template. It prevents some gambling spirit: for the same price you can get rarer, more valuable NFT-image.
Open Sea
All minted images can be found in the OpenSea NFT-market platform, some of them are on already on re-sale. Open Sea allows you to collect trach statistics, price changes, see property details, and check attribute rareties.
The title RGBillennials comes from the match of RGB (red, green, blue) color scheme and millennials — the term that often describes the generation of the demographic born '81-'96. NFT collection is keen to reflect a gentle, enticing, placid, friendly 'millennial aesthetic'. It's offbeat but not weird, while also being sexless and slightly infantile.
The best sales are accompanied by a good story. To support RGBillennials marketing activities and enlarge the community, I decided to create a series of short stories describing RGBillennials attributes in a fictional manner with a value changes statement. The stories were short enough to fit a Twitter post, I also crossposted them in Discord, Telegram, and Instagram accounts.

'Most of RGBillennials looked at the world with wide-opened eyes. They were amazed by everything around them: space, universe, eternity. The unbelievable borderless world opened up to their eyes. It dumbfounded and delighted these creatures.
The chances of round eyes are 25/57'
Learning and Findings
My small NFT project was quite interesting to work on and launch, to see how the crypto community reacts. It also was a good key to open up the Web3 world for me. After a few giveaway rounds, the collection has gained some loyal fans. The collection has been verified by NFT Calendar and Non-Fungi.